Assignment 5

a chimpanzee recognizes faces 

The trait could come from common ancestors.
 Humans figure out faces faster and differently than other shapes. Before this it had been thought as a trait that only humans had but now it's been found out that chimpanzees detect faces at manlike efficiency.
 This was figured out when Japanese Masaki Tomonaga and Tomoka Imura taught three female chimpanzees to search for different things like for an example cars, bananas and faces from pictures. Chimpanzees spotted out their fellow chimpanzees faces faster than any other figures.

 an upside down face doesn't work 
 With humans face recognition bases on figuring out the big picture fast and it seems to be the same with chimpanzees.
 Just like humans chimpanzees recognized faces noticeably worse when they were upside down. Also covering eyes, noses and mouths slowed the process.
 On the other hand making the pictures black and white didn't really affect the face recognition.
 The fact that the chimpanzees recognized faces and bananas at similar speed gave the researcher headaches.
 With the bananas it wasn't about figuring out the big picture as it was with faces.
 When the pictures were made black and white it was as if the bananas disappeared. The recognition of the treat was due to the yellow color after all.

Humans even beat the macaques
 Surprisingly Chimpanzees spotted out as easily as with their fellow chimpanzees. It's unlikely that this phenomenon is explained with the fact that the test subjects have been around their carers. The chimpanzees didn't recognize the faces of Japanese macaques that well despite the fact that they live in the cage next to them. The chimpanzees react better to the faces of human babies than to the macaques despite never meeting them.
 Whether it was humans or fellow chimpanzees they recognized faces better when they were directly in front of them compared to seeing them from the side.
